2023-2024 Legislative Session Highlights

Discover how MCCA has been advocating for important resources to support our colleges, students, and communities during the 2023-2024 legislative session. Our comprehensive report features:

  • Legislative Accomplishments: Key milestones and impactful advocacy efforts.
  • Appropriations Summary: A breakdown of funding decisions.
  • Bills of Interest: An overview of legislation impacting community colleges.

Explore the full report to learn about the progress we’ve made and what lies ahead.


Michigan Community College Association

The Michigan Community College Association is the unified voice for Michigan’s community colleges, empowering members to lead in the areas of student success, talent development, and community vitality.

To learn more about our colleges please click on the interactive map.



PA 186 of 2023 (HB 4573)

Sponsor: Rep. Carol Glanville
Extends new jobs training program sunset.
Bill Status: Signed by the Governor: November 7, 2023
Effective: November 7, 2023

SB 406

Sponsor: Sen. Sarah Anthony
Modifies Michigan reconnect grant recipient act to lower the program eligibility age from 25 to 21 if sufficient funding is appropriated.
Bill Status: Introduced (6/22/2023) To Appropriations Committee

Center for Student Success

2022 Developmental Education Scale of Adoption Assessment

In winter 2022, MCSS launched a review of the state of developmental education reform at the 28 public community colleges in Michigan. This publication describes the scale of implementation of practices including corequisite delivery of developmental support for English composition, implementation of and support for mathematics pathways, and revised placement processes.

Leveraging the Coalition of the Willing for Student Success in Michigan

With no formal higher education governing body to set policy or coordinate initiatives, the MCSS has relied on individual leaders and practitioners within institutions to create a coalition of the willing who have worked to move the student success agenda forward. The article provides a political and historical context for the center’s founding, and more.

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Upcoming Events

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available through MCCA on demand, online and on location.

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Leadership Academy

The MCCA Leadership Academy is a hands-on, Michigan-specific professional development program for emerging leaders in the community college sector. Participants are nominated by their community college President or Chancellor. The nine-month cohort learning journey includes three live sessions with action-based learning projects in between, experiential learning activities, coaching and mentoring, and a capstone graduation experience.

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New Jobs Training Program

Designed as an economic development tool, the Michigan New Jobs Training Program allows community colleges to provide free training for employers that are creating new jobs and/or expanding operations in Michigan. The training for the newly hired workers is paid by capturing the state income tax associated with the new employees' wages.

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